Alright this is the final installment of this three part tutorial into the ways that the Loft modifier works in 3DS Max. In the first part we had the chance to see the basic parameters of the modifier, then we followed with the second part where we took what we learned from the first part and used it to make a road, and in this last part we are going to continue building on that knowledge.
In the following video we can see how to effectively use Loft to make a road that is going up an inclination, while at the same time it incorporates the natural curving and bending that we might expect to see in a realistic road.
So as we saw in the video, by using the Loft modifier we can do more then simply choose lines and extract geometry from it, we can further refine that geometry and the way it bends, twists and deforms by simply controlling the tangent handles of the bezier corners.
So with this i am putting the Loft modifier series to bed, and i’m really hoping that you guys learned something from this and if you really did then share the post around, subscribe to the YouTube channel and keep on learning.