After some issues with the host and the site being down for some time we are back, and we are continuing with another video about the new kid on the block, namely Quixel’s very own Megascans. Now if you haven’t heard about it don’t worry as it is a very new program (at the time that i am writing this) that has some amazing abilities when it comes down to creating environments and textures for them. So now that we gave it an amazing intro lets jump in and talk about the details.
Megascans is very good for both architectural (Specularity) and gaming (Roughness) workflows. What that means is that it can take the surfaces that you make and then export textures depending on what you need them for. In the video below you will see me start from scratch on a surface, basically what you would have when you install the program. From there i will show you where to get more surfaces, how to install them and then how to use them. We will see about the properties that each of the surface layers has, then add in an extra surface and blend them together and after that even add a coat layer and liquid layer. You will see that by controlling just these 3 types of layers you can get some amazing looking results, and that is without me touching on the 3D assets and adding any 3d scanned models into the scene. But instead of reading about it you can go check out the video and see it for yourself.
Now that you saw the video i hope that you guys are excited about it as i am, and if Megascans catches on some traction i am confident that it can change the playing field when it comes down to creating environments. In any case if you guys like the video click the like button and i’ll see to it that i make more about it and cover the 3D assets as well. For now that would be all so like always like, comment and share it around so it can reach more people.
Stay cool everybody and have fun learning.