Modeling a motorcycle chain in 3DS Max

One of the most common things that you are bound to come upon when you are starting out in 3D modeling, or have been modeling for a while is the moment when you need to make a chain of some sort be it for a 3D model of some motorcycle, a bike or maybe even a chainsaw chain. When you take a look at the chain, at fist glance it looks like an easy and quite straight forward deal to model, but quickly you come to the realization that it might not be all that simple.

Well in this video i started out from scratch, I built the different elements for the chain, then I cloned and deformed them to a spline that defines the shape that we want our chain to be positioned in the end. But don’t let me keep you reading and spoiling it when you could be watching that in the video and see for yourself

So here is the recap of the video and what you learned from it:

* When modeling, always try to break down the model into smaller parts to make it easier to manage
* When using the spacing tool make sure that you don’t have any sharp edges that would break the flow
* When using the path deform check for stretching and squishing, and more importantly how to fix that
* When to use Normalize Spline and what it actually does

With this we end this post, and remember if you liked this article and the video then comment, share it around and subscribe on the YouTube channel and keep on learning.

Working with Loft Part 3

Alright this is the final installment of this three part tutorial into the ways that the Loft modifier works in 3DS Max. In the first part we had the chance to see the basic parameters of the modifier, then we followed with the second part where we took what we learned from the first part and used it to make a road, and in this last part we are going to continue building on that knowledge.

In the following video we can see how to effectively use Loft to make a road that is going up an inclination, while at the same time it incorporates the natural curving and bending that we might expect to see in a realistic road.

So as we saw in the video, by using the Loft modifier we can do more then simply choose lines and extract geometry from it, we can further refine that geometry and the way it bends, twists and deforms by simply controlling the tangent handles of the bezier corners.

So with this i am putting the Loft modifier series to bed, and i’m really hoping that you guys learned something from this and if you really did then share the post around, subscribe to the YouTube channel and keep on learning.

Working with Loft Part 2

And here we are back again with the second part of our Loft trilogy. This part is not directly linked to the Working with Loft, but it’s rather building on the foundation that we learned from it. In this second part we are going to start off with a single line that is representing our road, then we are going to see how we can fix some of the issues that can arise from dense geometry and even go into texturing the road and fixing the texture issues without having to go deeper into UVW Unwrap.

So just like in the previous part we started off with a simple line and with the help of a few profiles we ended up with a nice looking road that even has street crossings incorporated into the model. With this i would end the second part here, and in the third part we are going to see a few more uses for the Loft modifier.

And last but not least the call to action, if you liked this post or the video then share it around, subscribe to the YouTube channel and keep on learning.

Working with Loft

As this is going to be the very first post that is going to be 3DS Max oriented i would like to start it off as a post about Loft, one of Max’s compound object options that i think is really under appreciated in the Modeling community. Anyways in the video below you will be able to see how to use the very basics of Loft, and with just a few 2D splines to obtain some more complex shapes. This is going to be a three part video in which i will try and cover all the aspects of the modifier, and at the same time end up with a cool looking end result.

So as we can see in this first part the Loft modifier we used a few simple lines and ended up with a nice looking table. I will end the first part of the Loft here, and in the next parts we’ll see how the Loft modifier can be used in architectural projects.

So if you liked this post or the video then share it around, subscribe to the YouTube channel and keep on learning.

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